Monday, June 24, 2013


Jake passed his swallow test this morning and now gets to drink and eat pureed food - Hooray!!! His first food was applesauce, followed by apple juice and some graham cracker. We of course had to document this on camera, you can watch it here:
First stop after therapy was to get ice cream, excuse me, Gelato, as I was corrected by my son. "Mom it's not ice cream, it's Gelato, there's a huge sign that says so." We then ordered pureed pancakes with maple syrup for lunch and Dad brought Jake the Chick-fil-A lemonade he'd been talking about drinking.  It will be a little bit longer until he can take in enough calories orally so we can take out the feeding tube, but this was the first step. All the other stuff today with his agitation/fixation/lack of sleep doesn't seem as big of a deal when you see him being able to eat and drink. Overall, great day!

And the funny Jake comment today:

Uncle Ryan was pretending to eat Jake's leg trying to make him laugh, and Jake says "You can't eat my leg, that's a form of cannibalism."


  1. I'm so happy for you Jake!!! Way to go! Can't wait to see you again soon!

    Mr. Cribari

  2. Sounds wonderful!! Bring on the Gelato!! I bet it all tasted amazing! Good job Jake!

  3. That was really cool!!!!!

    Linda Goodenow

  4. Awesome video. Congrats on his progress!!!!!!!!

  5. Laura Anderson BellerJune 25, 2013 at 5:53 PM

    If the doctors would approve of it, we have lots of high calorie vanilla Scandishake mixes that you're welcome to have for Jake. Our kids with CF get them for free from the company that makes one of their meds.

    1. HI Laura - those were actually mentioned today as a way to up his liquid calorie intake. I may take you up on that if he still needs them after we leave the hospital. thanks!
