Friday, June 7, 2013

Day 7- Morning

Jake had a really good night...he was the most stable he's been and didn't need the saline bolis or extra dose of paralytic to calm down those small spikes in cerebral pressure that come from moving him. He didn't have any of the big spikes we've been seeing the past few days either. His evening went well enough that one of the neurosurgeon's wants to start weening him off the paralytic they started yesterday. They need to consult with the head of neuro first who did his surgery.

He is also up to the full feeding of 60ml per hour and is tolerating it really well. They are doing a CT scan with contrast this morning more as a precautionary measure since we are going into the weekend. They are also having an ENT come up and look at his tongue. It's been really swollen primarily due to all the excess fluids in his body and lack of movement. Not sure there is anything we can do, but they'll check. 

Specific prayer requests for today:

Continued stability in his brain pressure while the meds are cut back
No vasospams present
Patience for Todd and I since none of this is on our timeline


  1. Good to hear this news. Thanks to everyone for these updates. I check this page all day. It's the first thing I look at in the morning even before getting out of bed. Jake and family you are in my thought 24/7. Keep progressing buddy.

    Sorry about the Google+ name. This is Ryan O'Mea.

  2. Hello,
    My name is Kendra Brown and I am friends with Alex and Stacy Neir. I know Ryan thru them. I know you don't know me but what has happened to Jake and your family has touched me and I am praying for Jake's recovery.
    I too am continually checking Jake's page for updates and it seems each day there has been progress. I am very very hopeful for a good recovery. Please know that many, many people, even ones you don't know (like me) are sending positive vibes your way. Please continue to update daily. It's such a relief to see that things are moving in the right direction.

    I applaud your strength and love for your son. He is a very lucky boy to have parents like you.

    Kendra Brown
