Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Day 4 - Evening

The biggest development this afternoon is Jake is now on a feeding tube instead of just saline. Yea! I'm told it's very similar to Similac infant formula but formulated for a 10 year old. I'm sure he's going to love to hear that when he wakes up! Other than another fever which was controlled by Tylenol, it was a pretty quiet afternoon.

In talking with the Dr. today I found out the steps that need to happen to move him out of ICU:

1. Get him off the meds regulating his blood pressure
2. Get him off the meds keeping the cerebral pressure down
3. Get him off the meds that are keeping him sedated
4. And finally, remove the ventilator.

They'll slowly ween the meds and take each of these one at a time, so I think he's going to be in ICU longer than I had anticipated. For some reason I didn't think the ventilator would be the last thing to go but the don't want his body having to work at breathing while everything else is trying to heal.

I do have to mention again how completely overwhelmed Todd and I are the the support from family, Jake's School, friends and people we don't even know. While the number of cards, food, donations, emails, text messages, and offers to help constantly makes me emotional, I am so thankful we are surrounded by such caring, kind people.  Then you add to that the number of people that have Jake and our family in their prayers...truly amazing.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Dana, My thoughts and prayers have been with you in this time of uncertainty. If you need someone to watch Luke, come over just to have someone there, you need help around the house: please let me know. I am not sure how you found the courage to start this Blog but thank you for keeping us updated. I will be by in the morning to bring you some snacks for the hospital.
