Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Day 5 - Evening

We had a few developments today, nothing too major but developments nonetheless. He is tolerating his feeding tube pretty well, so they are increasing his food intake which was great news. He's been at 15ml/hour which is about 2 teaspoons and they are going to slowly bring it up to 60ml/hr. One of the doctors mentioned getting food in him is just as important as all the meds he's on and will help give him more strength so he can self stabilize and get off some of these meds. 

He's been running a fever off an on for the past 24 hours of anywhere from 102-103. The good news is it can be brought down with Tylenol. The problem is they don't know why it keeps spiking. They have checked all of his fluids for infection and all cultures came back negative. There is no respiratory infection  either so they decided to do a spinal tap today to make rule out an infection in the spinal fluid and we're still waiting for those results. It could be it's just his bodies way of dealing with the injury, but the want to rule out all infection. 

1 comment:

  1. Dana,
    Thanks for the updates. I read them everyday. I am so glad that Jake is eating more and it sounds like he is getting stronger day by day. John said it was so good to see Todd and Luke at scouts. More prayers coming your way...
