Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Day 19 - Frustration

One of the nurses mentioned yesterday that Jake is in the "Acute Phase" which is part of the healing process between being critical and not quite ready to be officially in the recovery/rehab phase. He's much more aware of what's going on, he's irritated he can't do what he wants (like pull the heart rate monitor off his chest) and sick of being in bed. The scar on his head itches, his groin itches where they took out the central line and he's just generally agitated. I think he's also really frustrated trying to talk to us, there are things we get like "my feet are cold" or a "thank you" to the nurse (love that he still has good manners!) and there are things we don't. He was grimacing and frustrated for a good 10 minutes before we realized he wanted the head of his bed down. As the nurse said "this is the part they don't show on TV." It's really hard because there are limited things we can do to help him pass the time and keep from from pulling at everything he needs to leave alone. We've been reading to him, he's listening to music and I found he likes silly putty, it's good at keeping his hand busy. I have to be honest, it can be exhausting at times since he's sleeping so little. Our mild mannered, rule follower is currently MIA and I can't wait to have him back, I'm not used to this defiant side of his. :-) I'm sure it's equally frustrating for him to have all these things going on in your head that you're trying to get out of your mouth and people can't always understand.

On a positive note, it's amazing how quickly all of his meds/monitors have gone away. At his peak, he had all this plus one more pump on each tower for a total of 10 pumps (I didn't have a picture of all of them), an ICP monitor for his brain pressure, heart rate monitor, blood pressure monitor, the ventilator and at times an EEG monitor for his brain waves.

Today he's down to three pumps...feeding pump, straight saline and magnesium which is to help prevent the vasospasms in his brain. That's a 21 day treatment that should end on Friday and be his ticket out of the ICU. He still has his blood pressure and heart rate being monitored. The pump you see on the right was left "just in case he needs some IV meds." They also took out one of the PIC lines in his upper arm this morning. So we're down to one PIC line in his left arm, all other IV's are gone too. Progress!


  1. Hang in there sis! You are an amazingly strong women and proud of you and Todd and Luke. Jake, hang in there little fella, you are a tough little dude, we love you all and look forward to getting him back as well :-)

  2. So happy to hear of all of the wonderful progress Jake has made. We read your posts throughout the day and continue to pray for all of you. What an amazing little fighter Jake is. Yesterday, while on a mission to find my vacuum nozzle of all things, I stumbled upon a message my daughter had posted in her "secret room" It was a message to Jake that she prays for him daily and hopes he recovers quickly. I quickly overcame my frustration of the missing "nozzle" and was moved by her message. Your family has been on the minds of so many of us.
    Michele League

  3. So much progress and it is clear Jake is amazing! Dana you too! Stay focused on the successes and keep the posts coming. Jake and all of you are in our prayers.
    Mary Cooper

  4. I’m overjoyed to hear of all the remarkable progress Jake is making. I read your posts daily and pray often for Jake, you, Todd and Luke. Words can not express how incredible I think you all are! Your strength, courage, faith and the love for one another is much admired and an inspiration not only I can feel and see but everyone around you can. You all are a genuine blessing and a true gift to anyone who knows you! Keep fight Jake…….you are conquering this every day! God bless you and your family. Diana Beckett

  5. His defiance will help him through this, he is a fighter and so glad to hear his progress. We are keeping you all in our prayers.
