Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Day 19 - Morning

Last night Jake continued to be very restless which is a combination of discomfort from withdrawals, not being able to see or speak as well as he'd like and from being in a hospital room the past 19 days. He's in the final stages of withdrawals from weaning off the constant drip sedation and medication so it’s making him itch all over.  However, as of this morning both of the constant drip sedations have been removed so the discomfort should hopefully sub-side over the next couple of days. 

Around 2am he was overly restless and agitated and I couldn't make out what was wrong.  He was trying to speak but I wasn’t able to understand him so I grabbed the dry erase board.  On the board he scribbled "can we go to the car."  Poor kid wants so badly to get out of here but this is the best place for him.  This morning the doctor said he will begin more intense PT and OT since he’s no longer on the constant drip sedation. This should make him really tired and help with his sleeping moving forward.  

It’s so nice being able to get excited about him starting rehab vs. worrying if he is going to get through the day.  He’s made tremendous strides the past 19 days and I look forward to every new day because I know he’s that much closer to a full recovery.
Please continue to pray for him because it’s definitely helping him get through this.

Prayers for Today
1.  Give Jake the patience and strength to get through his rehab the next several weeks
2.  Vocal cords continue to heal so it's easier for him to communicate how he's feeling
3.  With PT and OT movement continues to improve on left side
4.  His discomfort subsides so he can sleep better

Uncle Ryan


  1. All of this is such great news. It is so good to see "the kid" coming back in him and getting to be himself more and more. And what an excellent PT/OT report.
    Jake is on our minds and in our prayers EVERY day in our house!

  2. Uncle Ryan-
    you are SOOO smart and perfect with your outlook. It really is a big step to be thinking rehab instead of when or if rehab is coming. Jake, you are a rockstar and a brave boy and even though I have never met you I am proud of your fortitude. You'll be in the car before you know it.
    I think of you all the time and your family too.

  3. I'm an old friend of Ryan's and came across his FB posts about Jake. My family and I are praying for your family for comfort and a complete recovery. We've felt the power of prayer so many times in our lives as we've struggled with health issues and it always helped me as I was reminded just how many people were praying for us. I hope you feel the peace and comfort that can only come from our Savior, Jesus Christ. We are rooting for Jake every day!
