Thursday, June 6, 2013

Day 6 - Evening

After a quiet morning, Jake had two intracranial pressure (ICP) spikes this afternoon. One was a result to the nurses repositioning him (they need to do this every few hours to help prevent bed sores), and one was just a random spike. Both were controlled with a sodium bolus injection. The sodium spike pulls moisture from the brain and reduces the pressure on the brain.

Another development is that Jake started antibiotics late this afternoon to treat "suspected" pneumonia. His chest xray this morning showed some moisture in the bottom portion of his left lung. This is most likely caused by:

          1. The ventilator breathing for him and he is not expanding his lungs completely
          2.  He is not moving around therefore not jostling his lungs around
          3.  He is heavily sedated and therefore not able to cough and clear his lungs.

Again, it is "suspected" pneumonia, but the doctors are being proactive with the antibiotics to head off any potential problems.

On a  positive note.........Jake was able to handle his feeding formula and has been steadily increasing throughout the day. If things continue, he should be at full feed by the end of the night. This increased nourishment will aid in his recovery by giving him fuel to fight.......

Thanks everyone for the thoughts and prayers.....will post tomorrow morning how the night went...


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