Sunday, June 9, 2013

Day 9 - Evening

I am so glad I got to spend some great one on one time with Jake this afternoon. Swelling has come down even more today from yesterday and he was looking really good. They didn't cut back on his sedation medication, but they think he's getting a little more used to it since he was a lot more responsive to simple commands this afternoon. There were a few times when I'd talk to him and ask him to squeeze my hand or ask a question like "does anything hurt" and ask him to squeeze his answer and he was giving appropriate responses. He was trying to blink a little to but wasn't able to really open his eyes. We also got a couple of thumbs up when requested. All this was on the right side and we're still waiting for the sedation to be brought down to see what's going on with the left side.
There are a few things I forget to post previously that I wanted to share.

Kids are amazing. 

Jake's teacher sent me pictures on Friday of two small groups of kids praying. On Monday, after the principal talked to class about what had happened to Jake, they got into their small groups to work and on their own held hands and prayed for Jake. As my Aunt so appropriately stated "It just proves you might be able to take God out of the schools but you can't take God out of the kids."

Four of our neighbor kids set up a lemonade stand on Saturday to raise money for Jake. They stuck it out for four hours and came and knocked on the door and gave me $106. To say I was stunned and overwhelmed doesn't even begin to cut it. I'll say it again, kids are amazing.

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