Monday, June 10, 2013

Day 10 - Midday

I just got back from talking to Jake's classmates at the school. I thought I was going to meet with just his class and was surprised to see all of the 4th grade there. I really wanted to thank them for all the cards, banners and support they've been sending Jake. They had a lot of really good questions and it was nice to see how much they care. It was a bit tough but also helped at the same time. I hoped it help them a little bit too. They also seem excited to have the kids blog to reference throughout the summer. I also found out I owe thanks to Mrs. Goodenow, one of the 4th grade teacher's, for suggesting the idea to the Principal. 

Jake got another PIC line today which is a bigger IV that goes in up by his armpit. The good news is now they will remove several of the smaller IV's and just have one of these on each side. There is also talk of removing what's called the "bolt" which is a small tube that goes in through his skull to measure his brain pressure.  Since he has been stable the past few days they are thinking they might not need to constantly monitor the pressure.  However, I'll be sure and keep you posted. 

On a side note, I was looking at some of the insurance claims this morning. There was one for the neurosurgeon that had been denied. When I looked at the reason for denial, it said "The diagnosis billed does not match the age of the patient." Just goes to show how rare this is in kids when the insurance company doesn't have it in the system as a possible illness. We'll just let the hospital battle this one.

1 comment:

  1. You are all in our prayers for a full recovery. This is heartbreaking, but lean on God for his comfort. Blessings to you all, and giant ones for your Jake!
