Thursday, June 6, 2013

Day 6 - Midday

The current regiment of meds seems to be working well. Jake has had a nice quiet morning and is resting pretty peacefully. More cultures came back and still no signs of infection which is great news. Somebody must have been praying for me because I feel much calmer than I did earlier. So whoever you are, thank you.

I meant to share this yesterday and forgot. Fourth graders from Jake's school have sent so many wonderful cards as well as two big banners. I was so excited to hang them in his room to cheer things up. These will be the first things he sees when he wakes up. We started running out of room to put them on the wall and have a basket next to his bed full of the rest of the cards that we read to him when we're there. As his family, it's so comforting to read the cards and notes and see how well Jake is liked by his classmates. So many of  messages are so sweet. You always hope your child is well liked but to see it in writing, especially at a time like this feels very good.

Here are a few pictures of what they sent in.

My Mom and Dad's church also made a beautiful prayer quilt that we've had on his bed since Sunday. Once he can keep his fever down, we'll be able to cover him with it.

They make the quilt and leave all the strings untied, take it to church and people can come up and tie a knot and say a prayer for the recipient. It's in purples and teals which are a few of his favorite colors.

A friend sent me this quote earlier today "For I am The Lord your God, who takes hold of your right hand and says to you, Do not fear; I will help you" Isaiah 41:13. Very timely.


  1. I love all the cards and messages from his friends! The prayer quilt is not only a beautiful piece of art, but a wonderful and thoughtful visual reminder of those who are keeping you in prayer. Lovely!
    Prayers keep coming from our neck of the woods,too. Hang in there.
    The Indiana Battjes family :)

  2. I love reading through the cards. He is so loved and adored by his classmates. It must make you proud to see it firsthand. Jake is such a sweet, kind and gentle soul that I know God will continue to look after him as he heals.
