Friday, June 7, 2013

7 Days Ago...

It's hard to believe that 7 days ago at just about this time, Jake was being taken in for emergency brain surgery and our world turned upside down. I'm sitting here looking at his sweet face behind the ventilator, feeding tube, swollen tongue and just love him so much. I know in my heart he will get through this.

The wins this week:
  1. He made it through surgery.
  2. He has not had any seizures.
  3. Very minor vasospam in one area.
  4. He's tolerating the full 60 ml of food through his feeding tube.
  5. He has not had any hydrocephalus.
  6. His has squeezed my hand a few times while under pretty heavy sedation.
  7. He is trying to blink sometimes when you talk to him.
  8. He's been getting more and more stable each day.
  9. He has not developed any secondary infections.
  10. He has an amazing team of Doctors and Nurses taking care of him.
  11. Our family has been incredible with all of their support, we honestly could not be getting through this without them.
  12. Friends, the school and community in general have overwhelmed us with concern and love, people are kind.
  13. 1,000's of people all over this country, many we don't even know, are praying for Jake and our family. 
  14. He is still with us.
Thank you for your continued prayers as we head down the road of healing.

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