Sunday, June 16, 2013

Day 16 - It's a Good Day!!

So we'll start with the big news - ventilator came out and he's doing fantastic! He didn't need anything more than a little oxygen in his nose and when they checked his blood gas levels about an hour later, they were able to turn the oxygen down so he may not need it at all. His CO2 levels looked really good too.

They also took off the EEG since he hasn't had any spikes in the past 48+ hours. So his two biggest sources of irritation, the breathing tube and electrodes hooked all over his head are gone. He already seems more calm when he's awake and not as fidgety. The past few days when he would wake up his right leg ad arm would move all over the place and often seemed irritated and ticked off. I'm sure having tape all over your face, a tube in your nose and throat and electrodes taped to your head would make anyone a little cranky.

He also got his hair washed for the first time since taking out the staples and we found two more they missed, so that makes for 51.

I don't think Todd could have asked for a better Father's Day gift than for today to have gone well.


  1. Susie in WilmingtonJune 16, 2013 at 5:05 PM

    WONDERFUL! Great news to read. Susie

  2. He looks soooo good with the breathing tube out! Yea!! I am so thankful for today and glad Todd had an amazing Father's day. Extubation was a major milestone. I'm so happy right now. Everyone please keep the prayers coming!

  3. Yea!! So thrilled to see progress!
    We had a better day here too! Mom is home and resting from her surgery. She is really groggy, but that will go away eventually...
    Happy fathers day Todd!

  4. What wonderful news! Jake looks great and what a good idea to play Rush for him. We think of Jake a lot and continue to send prayers your way!
    Love and God bless, the Hollands

  5. Glad to hear it and see such a great picture of him!


  6. Thank you Lord Jesus for keeping Jake close in your arms. Thank you Father this Fathersday!

  7. Fantastic! What a wonderful blessing on this special day!

  8. What a great day! Those are two HUGE milestones!! Love that he is breathing on his own and with a nasal cannula, not BIPAP/CPAP!
    Happy Father's Day Todd!

  9. That's great news!

  10. Bill Schmidt and FamilyJune 17, 2013 at 7:13 AM

    This is the most encouraging news so far, God is good! Glad to hear the great news, hope the rest of the healing process goes well. You all will continue to be in our thoughts and prayers. Wishing you all the best, La Junta sends it's love and support. Take care and God bless!

    The Schmidts

  11. YAY! Great news for Jake!!

  12. Thrilled to hear of Jake's progress and so touched that it was a on Father's Day!!!
