Thursday, June 13, 2013

Day 13 - Morning

After the scare early yesterday evening with his heart rate spike, Jake had a restful night. They were able to bring his ventilator breathing rate down even lower to 12 and did the first two hour breathing trial overnight. He still have the vent in place but they turn it off for a few hours to see if he can breathe on this own. It went well and they'll continue those today. 

He is getting more and more active as they cut back the sedation and moving his right side all over the place. I feel like he's a bit frustrated at times since the only way he's able to communicate is thumbs up for yes and fist for no. It sometimes reminds me of playing 20 questions trying to figure out what's bothering him.

Other than that, they'll continue slowing cutting back on many of his meds today and we'll see how things go.

Update: Just found out that the ventilator is coming out midday! Great news!


  1. Ventilator out is fantastic news!!! He's moving in the right direction, and each little step is one step closer to rehab and home. I love that he is getting feisty...means he's up for the fight. Know that we are all continuing to think of you and keeping you in our prayers.
    Much love,
    Krista Sullivan

  2. Hi Dana,
    I've been reading your blog daily and Jake is in my heart and my thoughts all day long. You have been so brave through all of this! Keep it up and know that tons of love is being sent to your entire family every day.


  3. Ventilator out!!! YAY! Go team Jake!!!

    Thoughts and prayers,
    Linda Goodenow
