Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Day 11 Morning, post by Uncle Ryan

The last three days I've been out of town attending my cousin's high school graduation in Las Vegas. Before I left Jake was pretty unstable and was heavily sedated. However, last night when I arrived he was more alert and showing more movement on the right side.  When the nurse came in to complete some of her tasks, ie: brush his teeth, fix the dressing on his neck, move his body position, give meds, etc. he got a little agitated and his left eye opened slightly. I asked him to give me a thumbs up if he wanted uncle Ryan to hold his hand and he lifted his right thumb as much as he could. I was actually a little stressed that he didn't know what was going on and was scared. To comfort him, I held his hand and let him know that he hurt his head and was recovering in the hospital. I told him not be scared of the tube in his mouth because it was helping him breathe and would help him feel better faster. 

At this point, he's showing some improvements in certain areas but is still sedated. There has been no significant movement on his left side yet and he can't open his right eye at all, but that's consistent with the injury being on the right side of his brain.  

That said, we are hopeful movement will come back as he continues to heal and with the help of physical therapy. He's a strong kid and has a HUGE amount of support right now. We're constantly encouraged by the emails we receive from people letting us know Jake is part of their daily prayers. We know he's going to be okay, it's just going to take some time. 

We love you Jake!
Uncle Ryan


  1. Thank you so much for this Blog. I am following it throughout the day for updates. They make me smile and cry, and your words help me feel your struggle. Thank you thank you.

    I'm one of the many people in your life that want to help relieve some of YOUR pain, but know that it is impossible. Our prayers, as well as the many, many, many more from those of us that love you are focused on Jake and your family!

  2. First of all, thanks for the tip on how to leave a comment. I was one of those having a hard time figuring out how to do it. :-)

    Just wanted to let you know that at church on Sunday, several people mentioned to me what a wonderful job you are doing with the blog. They said they check it daily to keep current on Jake's status. Keep up the good work!

    Dana's Dad

  3. Nice job Uncle Ryan. Lots of love here, it feels so good to know that you made a connection and brought a little peace. Thinking of you all.
