Saturday, June 8, 2013

Day 8 - Evening

Jake had a really solid day. They tried to cut down on his sedation medication a little but he was getting a little restless so they bumped it back up. They did another chest x-ray and he does have a touch of pneumonia in both lower sides of his lungs. He's on antibiotics and the Dr.'s are not overly concerned since it's a small area ad very mild at this point.

We took his brother in today and he did really well considering everything. The expression on his face at first made me so sad, he was trying to be brave but you could tell he was trying not to cry. He did go over to the bed a few times and  talk to Jake and rub is leg. He stayed about an hour and said he wants to go back and visit again but probably not tomorrow.

Everything else is pretty much status quo for today and we'll take it.

1 comment:

  1. Dear Todd, Dana and family,

    Your son and your family has been close to my heart daily since I received the email last weekend from Mr. Smith. My son, Parker, is a fourth-grader in Mrs. Goodenow's class and a friend with Jack Eldridge. Natalie and I have recently connected over flag football games and several baseball innings. I am also a pediatric nurse of 15 years, now working in the PACU at the Children's Hospital Colorado. I have also spent a few years as a PICU RN at Children's. Last Friday I drove in early to work and felt as if I should stop in and tell you that people you have never met are even praying for your son and family. As I spoke with Todd and Jake's grandmother that morning, I was able to see the strength in their eyes; however, I cannot imagine what you as his mother are feeling. Please know that you have the greatest neurosurgeon on your team along with the greatest cast of caregivers. There will be moments of time that will be more than anyone should experience, but know that each day is a step, as small as it may seem, towards healing and health. As you search for daily strength, remember what an amazing, sensitive, bright, 'cut above the rest' (Natalie's words, wink) young boy that you have raised, but still have so much to teach him!! He will do well because he is surrounded by such a loving family that has cared so deeply for him and his brother. (and awesome school) Remember to take care of yourselves, rest and stay encouraged on his recovery and rehab! He has touched so many lives already in more ways than you will know and I am sure he will continue kids often do! Please know I am available to help in any way that I can, and would love to buy you a coffee sometime when you need to walk away from the PICU for a few minutes. 303.518.5689 (cell)
    Isaiah 30:15
    "In quietness and trust is your strength"
    Most sincerely,
    Courtney McClellan
