Sunday, June 2, 2013

Day 2 - Morning

At the very strong insistence of our parents, Todd and I both went home last night to get some sleep and Todd's Mom stayed with Jake. As hard as it was to leave, I know we need to keep ourselves healthy since we've got a long road ahead of us and got almost no sleep Friday night.

Jake had a pretty good night and his cerebral pressure was stable. He did get another fever this morning of 101.8 but they were able to bring it down with some Tylenol. It was nice to come in and see his face swelling down from yesterday, we'd been told it would get worse over the next 24-48 hours.

It's so hard to watch him lying so still with so many IV's and monitors attached to his little body. I just have to trust the sedation is giving his body the time to heal and he's fighting from the inside.


  1. We are praying for Jake and your family. If you need anything just ask. We will take care of Luke.

    Coyote Hills' Staff

  2. Dana and Todd,
    Our thoughts and prayers are with Jake and your family.

    Kara and Nick Thielen
