Sunday, June 2, 2013

Day 2 - Evening

It's surprising how fast time passes while sitting in a hospital room, I hadn't expected that. All the tests they ran today came back with good results and his cerebral pressure was consistently 3-4 points lower than yesterday. Day 2 - another win.

We both came home again tonight to spend some time with Luke, our 8 year old, and get him ready for school tomorrow. My brother Ryan stayed with him this evening and my Mom is spending the night. I honestly don't know how we'd be getting through coverage at the hospital without all the help from our family. We hated to leave but also wanted to try and give Luke a little bit of "normal." Being home tonight with just the three of us was really tough on him since Jake not being here was so apparent. It's heartbreaking to see what he's going through knowing I can't fix things.

1 comment:

  1. Dear Morgan Family,

    My prayers and love have been with Jake and your family since Friday. I have asked all of my family and friends to send their prayers your way as well. Jake is such a loved and special little guy! Please know I am here for anything you may need!

    With love,
    Jamie Smith
