Monday, July 1, 2013


I'm beginning to think my going to therapy may not be helping Jake. I was talking to one of the Dr's  today and it was time for OT/PT, so the therapists took him down on his own. When I was done with the Dr about 15 minutes later, I went into the therapy room and Jake immediately started asking if he could get into his chair and go back to the room. I was told until I'd got there, he hadn't asked once. I sometimes think I bring out more of the whining, complaining, "nurture me" in both my kids. I hope we can figure out a way around this because I really want to be there. Had I not gone, I would not have seen Jake sit unassisted for over 7 minutes. There were a few minor front to back balance bobbles, but he was able to correct himself. It was pretty amazing. I also would have missed out on the most movement we've seen in his left thumb and first finger. It was a good bend from the knuckle. Both OT and PT are really pleased with the progress he's made so far.

He also had a good day in Speech. They were reading Harry Potter this morning and his own book this afternoon. While he needed some prompting to go back to the beginning of each line due to the left side neglect, his comprehension of what he was reading and the ability to retell are really good. The therapist told us the few issues he's having with missing the left half of the page are much easier to re-train than if he were having comprehension issues. She is really pleased with where he is after just over a week of therapy.

We also found out today we are off the soft diet and can expand our food choices. We still need to be careful of foods that require too much chewing (tortillas and bread) or have layers of textures (such as pizza or a cheeseburger) but he could have a hamburger patty and fries. Tonight he had salmon, fried rice and jello, he was pretty excited to have some new flavors.

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