Wednesday, July 17, 2013


I got to the hospital a little later than normal today, Todd and Luke were already here so the four of us got to sit and have dinner outside. When we went up to the room I was told to wait in the hall, they had a surprise for me. When I came in, this is what I saw: 
Todd actually took this video earlier in the day, I was too busy picking my jaw up off the floor and wiping away happy tears to record it.
He has been working so hard on standing in therapy the last few days. He stood for so long yesterday, with support from his therapist, that both his legs were shaking when he was done. They have him stand with his right leg slightly bent and on a box about 6 inches off the ground so more of his body weight is on his left leg. Well it must have paid off because today in therapy he decided to see if he could stand and he did. Shocked the therapists too. :-)

Jake also got some emotional therapy today from the psychologist who's been working with us. As I've mentioned before he has periods where he gets really upset about being here, not having a normal summer, etc. We decided to have the Dr. meet with him one-on-one to see if she could be of any help. All of the emotions he's going through are very normal, but it doesn't make it any easier to watch him struggle. After talking with her when they were done, she said the hardest things on him are he wants to be with his whole family and he wants to be at home. We realized this 24 hour rotation we're doing is tough for him because only one of us is here the majority of the time, that's also really hard on Luke. The interesting thing was, other than the actual moments of time he's feeling sad and frustrated, he's not sad. It's almost like he just needs to get the emotions out and then he's ok. I would have thought he felt generally sad and bummed the majority of the time, so that was good to hear.


  1. Suzann and I were there when Todd filmed the video. Jake was so proud of himself and stood up several times, each time with a big grin on his face. Was awesome to see, and he was so excited to show his mom.

  2. Love Love Love this video! Great work, Jake!!!!

  3. Awesome, Awesome Jake!!! Keep goin' buddy. You are making huge strides!

  4. Way to go Jake! Keep it up. Hearing him say "we should show that to mom" is so precious.
