Sunday, July 7, 2013

Team Jake

My brother Ryan (along with his friend Alex's Photoshop skills) designed a logo for a t-shirt for Jake. The shirts came yesterday and he was so excited to bring them in to the hospital today. He got one for each of us. He put a lot of thought into the design and they turned out really cool.

Here is the note he gave Jake with the shirt:

Your favorite band is Rush so I incorporated their “Starman" logo from the back cover of 2112 album.  I used this logo because the man symbolizes YOU and the star symbolizes the sky. For me, the man holding the star symbolizes the popular phrase the “sky’s the limit.”  In other words, it means your potential is limitless. Just as the sky seems never ending and infinite, this phrase basically means that there is no limit for you and what you’ll achieve in your life.
You were born and raised in Colorado so I wanted to be sure to include that as part of the logo, too.

Thanks Ryan, we love them! 

Jake got to do a little bit of drumming today too. My other brother, Eric, brought him a digital drum set. It's like one of those portable keyboards but drums. It has a setting for hand drums and he was having a pretty good time playing a few beats. A little while later, for the first time since this all happened, I saw him tapping a beat on his leg with his right hand. He used to constantly be drumming with his hands on every flat surface he could find and it was nice to see that familiar act again. His left hand movement continues to improve every day, so we know he'll be drumming again with both hands in no time.

1 comment:

  1. Maynard and friendsJuly 7, 2013 at 11:57 PM

    It is so good to see you sitting up and able to get around to other areas of the hospital.
    Love your shirts guys.
