Monday, July 29, 2013

Harleys, Dogs and Rush

On Saturday, the Rocky Mountain Harley Davidson Motorcycle Club came to the hospital and served BBQ for a couple hours and Jake got to have his picture taken on a bike. They also had someone dressed up as Santa (Christmas in July?) and gave small presents to each of the kids. Jake was pretty excited to be able to sit on the bike...I just hope it's not a sign of things to come down the road when he's older!

Jake also got a very special visit from our dog Molly yesterday. She's been staying with my mom and dad ever since Jake went into the hospital. Every time he gets a visit from one of the therapy dogs, he starts missing our dog, so with the weather so nice and cool yesterday, it was the perfect day for a visit. While she is incredibly sweet, we were joking about what a terrible therapy dog she'd been since she is a bit on the energetic side! (That's my dad in the picture of Jake and Molly.)

Todd and I wanted to thank everyone who has reached out to Rush on Jake's behalf, it appears to have paid off! Todd got a call today from their band manager in Ontario. She said she had received Todd's initial email and then several others and was touched by Jake's story. While the band can't make a visit to the hospital, Todd is meeting up with their road manager on Saturday morning to get a package for Jake. We'll be sure to share what they send over. We aren't saying anything to Jake until we have it in hand, but we're so excited to have received a response!

Jake's stability with the walker is getting so much better. We finally measured the distance from his room to the therapy room and it's 393 feet, so a bit longer than a football field. He walkered down this morning and it took him about 20 minutes. This afternoon he did it in 8 minutes, 2 seconds! He's discovered the less he talks, the better he walks, so he's saving all of his stories for when he gets to therapy.

1 comment:

  1. Yay for that walking! Dana, your comment - "The less he talks, the better he walks" was so funny! Tell Jake that I am keeping that in mind when I start teacher work week on Monday. The less I visit with all my friends at school, the more I can get done. :)
