Saturday, July 27, 2013

Now he Knows

Being the bearer of bad news to your son really stinks.

Todd and I told Jake today that he isn't going to be able to go to the Rush concert and he took it really hard. He was so disappointed, it was heartbreaking to watch. Our biggest goal for the conversation was for him not to think it's because he hasn't been working hard enough in therapy, and I think we accomplished that. We explained to him that going to a concert wouldn't be very safe since his brain is still healing and it's too loud with too many lights and too many people. We also told him how hard we, the doctors, and therapists tried to figure out a way for it to happen, but it just can't. There were lots of tears and he felt bad that Todd wouldn't be going either because of him. We tried to lessen the blow by telling him he is getting his bone flap (the piece of skull that was removed) back in next Friday, which he's been wanting for a long time. He was also sent a really cool picture of the Rush drummer on stage in Phoenix that was taken by a friend of one of the hospital staff. Some friends also brought him a vintage Rush concert t-shirt from 1984 and two old LP's. It was pretty funny explaining that this was how we used to listen to music!

It was obviously on his mind the rest of the day because thoughts would randomly come out: "I've been looking forward to going for a long time" , "I've been asking people at the hospital if I was going to be able to go and they said they hoped so" , "I told everyone I was going and now I lied."

While Todd and I were talking to Jake, Luke pulled his dad aside and asked him if he thought Rush could maybe come see Jake since Jake couldn't go to the concert. Todd told him it was a great idea, but Rush is pretty busy and probably couldn't make it. Luke then quietly logged onto YouTube and wrote a comment on one of Rush's video's asking them to please come see his brother in the hospital. Later he said he should have added "I'm begging you to come see him".  He is so sweet and hated to see Jake hurting as much as we did.

We ended up salvaging the evening by playing stupid ring tones on Todd's phone which is always good for laughs among the boys, and having dinner together. I had made stovetop popcorn which is one of Jake's favorites, so we snacked on that and played games afterwards. Jake won several rounds of Uno and Apples to Apples. I'm so glad we told him a little earlier in the afternoon so we could end the day on a positive note.

I'm just glad this day is over so we can focus on his continued recovery and his surgery to replace his bone flap without this black cloud hanging over our heads.

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