Sunday, July 28, 2013

One Amazing Kid

Thank you for all the suggestions and efforts being made to contact the band. The hospital is also working on trying to see if the band will do anything, so I'll keep you posted. The main issue is the insurance company will not approve an out-trip to a rock concert. It's just not an environment that is conducive to a healing brain and bottom line, it's not worth the risk to his recovery.

I have to say that Jake has truly amazed me today. He had told everyone he's encountered this morning about not being able to go to the concert but follows it up with "We are hoping they'll tour again next year and my mom and dad said we'll fly somewhere if they don't come to Denver and that would be really cool." He really has an amazing attitude, so proud of him.

1 comment:

  1. Great minds so think along the same lines. I wish I knew Rush personally and could ask them to come visit Jake but alas I don't.
