Saturday, July 6, 2013

Back in Action

On June 19th I posted that my mild mannered, rule follower Jake was MIA, and that I couldn't wait to have him back … today I am happy to report that he is now BIA (Back in Action).  He is so polite and full of please's and thank you's for everyone he encounters. He has become quite the charmer. Part of what makes this so amazing, is the lack of sleep he's getting. If I was sleeping as little as he is and working as hard, I don't think I'd be half as pleasant. :-)

He has really won over his therapists with his hard work and cooperation. They often give him choices for an easier task or a harder one, and he almost always picks the harder one. Now to be fair, as soon as he's done, he tells me he hates therapy and it's too hard on him, but they would never know it by how he acts when he's there.  Several of his nurses have come to really enjoy having him as a patient too. I have yet to see him get annoyed with them even when he is having something done to him he doesn't like. And no, he hasn't followed through on his threat to shine his flashlight in their eyes. 

His agitation and restlessness have also really calmed down. Even last night when he was awake from midnight on, he was just quietly laying there and would ask me to please help him get onto his right side or move him up in bed. He often apologized because he got me up to help him. As many times as I tell him it's my job to take care him and he doesn't need to apologize, he still does. Those of you that know Jake personally, know this is just his nature to please and not be any trouble. 

I really feel that we’ve turned the corner and are now fully engaged in the therapy/rehab phase.  There is still a long road ahead of us, for sure, but it’s such a relief to be at the point where we are now as compared to where we were just a few weeks ago when he first came out of the ICU.  I truly believe that all the prayers from so many people have had a strong influence in this.

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