Monday, July 15, 2013

Full Night of Sleep...Achieved!

For the first time in almost 4 weeks, Jake slept all through the night without waking up! We've been getting closer all weekend with very short wake-ups and going back to sleep within 15-20 minutes. Of course he still said he was tired this morning. :-) I'm sure it will take several days for him to feel more rested but we were so happy this might actually be resolved. Todd and I are now finding that we are starting to get just about as much sleep at the hospital as we would if we were home, which is a huge relief for us. Sleeping in short spurts off and on during the night for the first three weeks Jake was in rehab was very exhausting.

I wanted to apologize for not posting last night. Jake has been really missing home and homemade food. We've been bringing in some of his favorites to make it a little easier for him (my Mom and Dad brought him hibachi soup and fried rice from Mt. Fuji over the weekend, Todd's parents brought him Chick-fil-A last week), but yesterday he asked for my chocolate chip cookies. So last night instead of blogging I made him Nutella Stuffed Brown Butter + Sea Salt Chocolate Chip Cookies, less the Nutella. (That would have required two hours of refrigeration I didn't have.) I then spent some time with Luke before going to bed. So cookies + one-on-one with Luke = no blog. While Jake is improving every day, there isn't always something specific to post about. So as not to be repetitive, I’m going to start posting every other day unless there is some significant development to report on.

Jake had a really great day of therapy today. He has a team of four regular therapists, these two hadn't seen him since last Wednesday and couldn't believe the movement and strength he's gained in both his left arm and leg. He's getting enough left arm strength that they decided to have him try and walk with a walker which he wasn't very happy about. He was pretty upset at the prospect of using a walker and said to me, "Mom, I don't want a walker, I'm not an old person." We explained to him that it was only for a little while and would allow him to walk around when he wanted instead of needing the therapists to walk with him. That seemed to help and he gave it a shot, he did a really good job. I included some video of him walking last Tuesday and today to show the improvement. At the end are some exercises he does when lying in bed with putty, it really shows how strong his left grip is getting.

1 comment:

  1. I have loved all the video segments, but this one is my new favorite. I loved it!!!!!!!!!! It made me cry! Go, team Jake!!
