Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Special Visit

Jake has been really bummed he's not having a "summer like a normal kid," is missing shooting off fireworks, really wants to go home and has been missing his pet guinea pig, Aero (named after Aerosmith of course). I had taken him in a picture of her, but it just wasn't cutting it. With the slightly cooler weather today, Todd and I decided to surprise Jake and brought Aero to the hospital. Jake and I met Todd outside when he got there with Aero and he was really happy to see and hold her. He was very sweet too and kept making sure she was in the shade so she wouldn't get too warm. Just a little touch of home. 

Jake was also very excited today since he finally got to eat bacon. He had it for breakfast, then ordered a double order for lunch too!

I have to say while spending our summer at Children's Hospital was not on the top of our to do list, it's a pretty amazing place. We've become very fond of a few of our nurses who really go above and beyond for us. There are also a ton of really cool things that happen there for the kids and their families. It seems like something is going on daily all done by people volunteering their time. We've seen arts and crafts in the lobby, mini concerts, visiting dogs, electric trains, etc. One night last week, there were a bunch of motorcycles parked on the sidewalk next to the front door of the hospital, and the bikers were gathered in the lobby decked out in their leather jackets, skull caps, bandanas, wallet chains, motorcycle boots, etc.  Not what you would normally expect to see when entering Children’s Hospital.  We came to find out that this is the Rocky Mountain Harley Davidson Club, and one evening every week they go up to the various floors and provide free pizza and soft drinks to the parents visiting their children.  It once again reiterates something that has overwhelmed us by this whole ordeal with Jake … that there are so many wonderful and caring people out there.


  1. Love the picture of Jake with Aero!!

  2. that is so sweet. i am so happy that jake can feel at home at the hospital

    abbie rich
