Saturday, August 10, 2013

Slumber Party

Both Jake and Luke have really been missing each other this past week, even more than normal. Jake gets so upset every time Luke leaves the hospital and is constantly asking when he is coming back. Last night at home, Luke got really sad that Jake wasn't  there. I think part of it with Luke is thinking about going back to school on Monday without Jake. Having them together, even in the hospital, brings a sense of normal to this situation. They've started "racing" around the loop on the floor, Luke in Jake's wheelchair and Jake on the bike (see video below). Luke is so sweet and comforting to Jake when he gets upset about wanting to go home. And of course, they joke around and tease each other. 

After our last family night at the hospital tonight, we decided to let Luke spend the night in Jake's room since it's the last opportunity before school starts. They are so excited to have breakfast together tomorrow and were already talking about what they are going to eat. I think the final consensus was chocolate chip pancakes and bacon.

Jake's OT has been having him work really hard the past few weeks on practicing going up and down stairs. Our house has a lot of stairs since it's a multi-level and it's been a big concern about him going home. He is really doing well and started taking each step with one foot (like most people do) instead of taking each step with first the left foot, then the right. He's also been having some fun and independence on a bike they let him borrow from outpatient therapy. Here is some video of both the stairs and the bike: I wish the bikes weren't so insanely expensive, it would be a great tool for therapy at home and give him some more independence over the next several months while he continues to regain use of his left leg. 

Things are starting to get pretty crazy preparing everything for him to come home. There are a lot of moving parts to be coordinated, equipment, phones calls, appointments, arrangements with school, etc. Not only will Jake be coming home but so will our dog Molly who has been staying at my parent's house ever since this all started on May 31st. All very exciting but also a little overwhelming!

1 comment:

  1. I am so excited to hear all this great news! I'm sure Luke is sad that Jake will miss the first day of school - but hopefully having him home later this week will help! I can only imagine the logistics of it all - plus having the school year begin, too - lots of prayers your way! I would be happy to help coordinate anything that can be taken off your plate - phone calls, picking up equipment - you name it!
