Monday, August 5, 2013

Post Rush Euphoria

Jake has been on cloud nine since getting the gift package from Rush on Saturday. I think every person who has entered our room has been treated to viewing and hearing about first, the drumsticks "that Neal Peart actually used," then the hand written card and finally all the other memorabilia. All during Jake's stay at the hospital, the Rush conversations with the Doctors have been really funny since many of them grew up with Rush and they think it's so cool that a 10 year old boy likes them so much. Now, they are seriously impressed by the band with all the things he was sent. We even had one doc today ask if he could take a picture of the drumsticks. All in all, pretty amazing.

Jake has been quite the fashion plate the past few days too...sporting his new (and sometimes oversized) shirts and not-so-matching Rush socks, but he just doesn't care, he's excited to wear as much as he can. All this despite the horrible swelling he's had from surgery, especially around his eyes. He could barely see yesterday, but it hasn't slowed him down one bit. All he has needed for the pain has been Tylenol and he had a full day of double session therapy yesterday. Todd was ready to cancel all the therapy when he saw how bad Jake's eyes were swollen yesterday morning, but he said "No Dad, I'm fine to go to therapy." He was really excited because in OT he was able to hit his left drum stick 20 times before losing his grip, a new personal record. We didn't attempt his unassisted walking due to his balance being off from his reduced vision, but he went quite a ways with his walker.

We are excited to see what this week of therapy brings as he heals from surgery and are praying his discharge date of August 14th sticks. We are all ready to have him back at home.

1 comment:

  1. I LOVE that Jake has remained upbeat through this second procedure! And that RUSH totally helped out with this. The timing couldn't have been better!
    Although there are the usual complications with the swelling and such, it still means a path to the road home is bright and on it's way!
