Thursday, August 29, 2013

It's Been a Good Week

It's been a good week and I feel we are all settling into our routine. Jake has been going to school for almost 2 1/2 hours each day and looks forward to it each morning. I can't wait see his smiling face at pick-up as he comes pedaling down the hall on the adaptive bike. We're going to therapy three times a week (speech decided they don't need to see us for another month, yea!), things are still hectic and there's always too much to do each day, but I think we all can relate to that!

Jake and I went to the hospital today for his one month Neurosurgery follow-up. He's healing well from his skull piece replacement and we don't need to go back for another three months. Even though it's only been two weeks since he was discharged, he was so excited to go visit his therapists. He got to see his speech therapist, PT, the school specialist and a few of his nurses. He was so cute telling them about everything that's been going on the past few weeks. He's already talking about seeing the ones we missed today when we go back in another two weeks for his 30 day post-discharge follow-up.

The other big news of the week is our dog Molly came back home last night. My parents have been watching her ever since May 31st, when all this started. We wanted to make sure Jake was more stable since the dog has the tendency to get underfoot, so we didn't have her come home right away. The boys were so excited to have her home and Jake was laughing this morning after being woken up to Molly peeking up on his bed with her face and paws in his face. I don't think I would have been as amused waking up to dog breath in my face, but glad he was happy!

It occurred to me the other day how lucky we are that Jake has such a cooperative disposition, which truly amazes me. Any time a suggestion is made to him such as "make sure you're taking full steps" or "step closer to the handrail, it will make going up the stairs easier" or "try using your legs to help push you back," he comes back with "ok Mom" or "you mean like this?" He is almost always agreeable, kind and sweet. He doesn't get snappy or give me attitude. If a kid has to go through some of the things that he is coping with, it sure makes it easier on a parent to have one with his demeanor. So blessed.

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