Monday, August 12, 2013

Getting Closer

We are down to a day and a half left at the hospital! Jake is working so hard these last few days, both physically and mentally. His therapists are really pushing him to get as much therapy in as they can before we leave. He's also got quite a bit of testing to finish up which will be included in his discharge summary. He was totally wiped out tonight and was asleep by about 7:30.

Todd and I are also busy getting everything ready for life outside the hospital. He installed extra handrails all over the house so Jake has a rail to use on his right side both going up and down the stairs. We're scheduling follow up appointments with three different doctors, figuring out the out-patient therapy schedules, calling on equipment rentals and the list goes on and on. We also need to pack up his hospital room and get his room at home ready. We are very fortunate that all we needed to do at the house was pick up the throw rugs which are a tripping hazard and install the railings. He won't be using the wheelchair we're renting inside the house, it's simply for longer distances and to help with his fatigue.

 It's probably good there is so much to do because we just do it and don't stop to think about all the changes that are right around the corner. He is going from living in a 20x30 hospital room for the past seven weeks where he sleeps, eats and has a bathroom, to a full house that is much more spread out and with a lot of stairs. It's going to be an adjustment for him just getting around, but one I am sure he will gladly take on!

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