Saturday, August 3, 2013


Ever since I can remember, I have always loved the band Rush. My early memories were of air-drumming to the song Tom Sawyer in junior high school. There have been many albums and may memories since then.The trio of musicians from the Great White North have produced some of the best music ever. Their music just seems to transcend time.....

Earlier this year their music touched another generation when Jake heard them. After listening to a few songs, and hearing the drum efforts of Neil Peart, he became a hard-core fan. He watched every video he could find on the internet showcasing the band.

Today, I went from someone who was a fan, to someone that has true respect for all the people in this band and the management team. As many of you know, Rush's management team reached out to me earlier this week. They saw my email, and the many other emails that followed mine, and took notice. They read this blog that Dana posts on, and immediately wanted to help. Emma, the contact I had in Ontario, set me up with an appointment to meet the manager when they came through Denver for the concert. I expected maybe a CD that I would be able to give to Jake to help uplift his spirits a little bit. What we actually got blew my mind.......

 This morning, I met with the band's road manager at his hotel in downtown Denver. He had two bags with him; one for Jake, and the other for Luke. They had actually read the blog and realized Jake had a brother, and did not want to exclude him. The stuff in those bags were pretty cool...........

First, the signed "get well soon" card and autographed 30th anniversary DVD.

Next, a ton of shirts, hats, stickers, socks, shoelaces, postcards, guitar picks, bobble head dolls, etc, etc,

And one that was very special to Jake......

All in all, a very happy day for Jake. I'm not sure if he truly recognizes how incredible all of this truly is, but he will. 

By the way, for those of you who have no idea who Rush is.....

A HUGE thank you to Rush and the management team SRO/Anthem for making this happen.

Another HUGE thank you to everyone who reached out to Rush through email and phone calls. This could not have happened without your love and support of Jake.


  1. That is so awesome!!!! I am very impressed!!!

  2. Rush Rocks! How awesome that they got this together for Jake because he could not go to the concert. I am now a renewed fan!

  3. . . . and now I am a RUSH fan!

  4. Having worked in the concert entertainment industry, I'll note two things: 1) what an amazing outpouring of support from a uber-loved band to an uber-loved family, and 2) while about half of all entertainers are down-to-earth and human, it is a very rare occurrence to see this level of communication and outreach from a management crew - especially without the press involved. RUSH is a very special band indeed.

    1. What an awesome array of gifts! I was so excited to see that Jake was sent autographed drumsticks!
      Jake keep on pushing ahead, you will be home sooner than you know it!!!
      I love you!
      Aunt Tami

  5. All we can say is awesome....and now Jake and Luke have their first items for show and tell at school this year!
    The Hollands

  6. Fantastic!!! That is amazing!!!
    Your the coolest parents ever for making that happen!!
