Sunday, July 6, 2014

Swimming and the 4th

Jake worked so hard in therapy this past week. He had really long days back to back on Wednesday and Thursday since Friday was the 4th, but then got a three day weekend. He is really making some good progress in the pool with his swim therapy too. He's only gone three times and was actually swimming this week. It is so good to see him getting comfortable in the water again, it's been a long time coming...

Last summer right after we got home, we were so excited to take him to the neighborhood pool. His OT kept talking about what good therapy it would be to walk in the pool and we figured he would love doing something "normal" and playing with Luke in the water. We hadn't taken into consideration that his body had forgotten how to swim. Within a few minutes of being in the pool he realized he couldn't swim, got really upset and a bit scared. It was the first of many "why didn't we think of that" moments we encountered after being home and we felt horrible we hadn't better prepared him. When we were in Mexico over spring break, he got in the pool but never where he couldn't touch the bottom. I've suggested going to the pool several times this summer and Jake has only gone in a few times. I hated seeing him miss out on having fun in the pool or looking very hesitant when he would get in. I think he finally overcame all of that this past week.

We were at the pool on Monday and he was playing around in the shallow end but had a pool noodle under his arms for added security. The boys kept making their way further into deeper water and Jake was kicking along just fine. Next thing I know, the noodle slipped out from under his arm, he was bobbing under the water and started to panic since he couldn't touch the bottom. I jumped in and gave him back the noodle and expected he would want to get out. He didn't, he just kept playing. While I was a bit flustered, I was so pleased he stayed in. He was sitting with me drying off a little while later and said  "I think I'm over my fear of the water." Music to my ears! I'm hoping his swim therapy helps him continue to get even more comfortable in the water again.

The other highlight this week was of course the 4th. Jake really loves fireworks and was so bummed he missed seeing them last year. (We had missed them the year before too since everything was canceled due to the fire danger being so high.) He had recently got a new patriotic bow tie and was very excited to wear it. Between that and the flag pattern on his leg brace, he was all set to celebrate! The 4th is also Todd's birthday, so it's always a big holiday for us. We did a few of our own small fireworks and then took the boys to Parker for the big show and were not disappointed. It was so nice to spend the day together with nothing planned, no work, and no appointments.

1 comment:

  1. Jake you have made huge strides this year! I am so glad that you had a fabulous 4th.
    keep pushing along! You are a ray of hope for everyone!

    Love you LOTS!!!!
    Aunt Tami
