Sunday, July 27, 2014

PT is done....for now

Jake is done with his six week intensive PT! We are so proud of how hard he's worked all summer and have definitely seen an improvement in his strength and walking. I'm anxious to see the comparison between pre- and post-treatment testing tomorrow at his exit evaluation. The plan as of now is to take the next couple of months off from PT and have another intensive session during fall break.

The ironic thing about this is Saturday was the worst day he's had all summer. His walking wasn't very good, his arm was contracted up near his chest and even cognitively, he was just a little off. The good thing is, we know exactly why...he was exhausted. Friday, he had a really hard therapy session in the morning, then we went to acupuncture where they've been doing a movement based treatment. (Instead of lying  down and relaxing, he is getting several needles in his head and he does a series of movements with the right side of his body that he had to imitate with left side.) He then went to a friend's house for a few hours and finally had a class Friday night for his aviation merit badge and didn't get home until about 10:00. Saturday, we had to be out of the house by 8:00 a.m. for the 2nd part of the aviation badge where he went on his flight. Add to that, we could have eaten a lot better on Friday which didn't help anything. Take-out pizza when his body was depleted probably wasn't the best choice.

It was so hard to see him struggle, he really hasn't had any type of regression since well before school got out. It was also a really good reminder for us that we need to keep his activity level in check, make sure he gets plenty of rest and that we're eating well...all three of those being out of balance took their toll. We spent the rest of the weekend keeping things pretty calm and getting everything else back on track. He was doing much better today which was so good to see.

In the midst of all this, the boys got to take their first flight in a small four-seater plane on Saturday. There is an organization called Young Eagles that offers free flights to kids, and Jake got the opportunity to go on Saturday. Taking the ground school class on Friday night and the flight on Saturday allowed him to complete his aviation merit badge for Boy Scouts. With all his therapy we haven't been able to start working on any badges, so he was pretty psyched to get his first one done.

Todd and I were so excited for the boys to get this opportunity and couldn't wait to see them when they got off the plane. We had expectations of ear-to-ear grins and lots of talk about how cool it was.

Things didn't go quite as planned. As I mentioned Jake was pretty tired, they got the very last flight so we had to wait about 2 1/2 hours in the hanger, and it was getting pretty warm. They were both excited to go and a little bit nervous as they headed out to the plane. Everyone got buckled in and off they went. We were surprised to see the plane land after only about 20 minutes but figured it had been a long morning and the pilot was ready to wrap things up. We went out to meet the boys, Jake was sort of smiling and Luke looked annoyed. We found out pretty quickly that Jake had started to feel queasy shortly after they got airborne due to the warmth inside the plane and a little turbulence so the pilot offered to head back which Jake accepted. Luke was having a great time so wasn't very happy his flight was cut short. As Jake told him, when he's a boy scout and gets to be in the front seat, he'll be in charge. I think they ultimately did enjoy the experience, it just didn't last quite as long as expected.

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