Sunday, July 13, 2014


I am really starting to look forward to the weekends more than usual since it's a nice break from all the running we do during the week. It's hard to believe it's already been a month since Jake started intensive therapy. Only two weeks to go, at least for the PT portion!

The only appointment Jake has on the weekends is stretching on Saturday morning. We had very little else planned this weekend, which was a rare treat. Last night we went to Drums along the Rockies which is a regional drum and bugle corp competition. With Jake's love of drumming we thought the boys would really enjoy it. We had never been to one so didn't quite know what to expect. There were 11 different groups competing from several different states and it was really impressive. The musicians were extremely talented and their precision was unbelievable. I saw Jake on several occasions tapping out the beat with his foot or right hand. We all really enjoyed it. 

Today was spent at home with the exception of some quick grocery shopping. I am realizing I need to slow down and take time when the boys ask me to play a game or do something else with them. I find I get so caught up at times trying to get things done, I'm not making time for what's really important...them. We made time tonight and it reinforced that I need to do it more often. After dinner we sat outside and roasted s'mores on the fire pit and then played with giant bubbles. I have been seeing this homemade bubble mix on the internet and we decided to give it a try. (We also made a giant bubble holder with a long piece of string that is threaded through two straws and then tied together. It ends up making a square and the straws as the handles).Luke did great and was making several large bubbles. It's one of those things you take for granted being able to do...use both hands to pull part the bubble holder and run backwards to make the bubble. Jake tried so hard to get his to work. He was doing such a good job using both his right
and left hand to spread the bubble holder apart while walking backwards as quickly as he could but a bubble would start to form then pop or he would accidentally stick his left finger through the bubble. In very typical Jake fashion though, he kept trying and got excited for Luke when he made a really big one. Despite not having great success, he was having fun! 
They finally decided to work together, each held a side of the bubble holder and got lucky when a small gust of wind came up and created their bubble. I would have to say the bubbles were a big hit and I was asked to make another batch tomorrow, but a bigger batch of mix. It was such a nice, relaxing way to end the weekend and a good reminder that my to do list can wait. There probably aren't too many more years that they'll want to hang out with us at night and blow giant bubbles. :-)

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