Sunday, January 5, 2014

Back to Reality

I didn't realize how nice our week off from appointments was last week until we jumped back in with both feet this week. I also didn't realize I had taken a much needed mental break of thinking about what we can do to help Jake's recovery.

Monday he had OT/PT back to back and all those issues were still there waiting for us. Watching him work so hard to do what should be second nature really hit me hard. While the myobloc helped relax his foot and his walking is back to where it was about a month ago, his foot is still really tight and he has to work so hard to get his foot flat. The stretching therapy he's been doing has been helping his overall range of motion, which is definitely progress. We also started acupuncture this week to see if that will help. I've been doing a lot of reading about the benefits for stroke patients and found someone who has experience from the rehab perspective. Jake was a bit apprehensive at first, but once he saw how small the needles are and realized it didn't hurt, he was a trooper. He even asked me to take pictures so he could show Luke (who is not at all good with needles).

We feel like we have a fairly small window of time to maximize his recovery so we're trying anything we can that may help. The tough thing is finding the balance for him between therapy, appointments and having a normal life.

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