Sunday, October 13, 2013

It's Been a Good Week

It's been another busy week at the Morgan household, but one of the better ones we've had in awhile. Jake had a couple of really cool things happen this week that I think helped him see the progress he is making.

The first was on Wednesday. We had an appointment that morning and were a little late getting to school, so I took him straight to his gym class. They were getting ready to start climbing on the rock wall, so I stayed to watch. Both the boys were on the climbing team at Lifetime Fitness for about a year and a half prior to Jake's aneurysm and really loved it. I had heard about some of the adaptive pieces the gym teacher had put up and was excited to see how it was going. When I saw Jake actually climbing, I got really emotional. No, he wasn't going as fast as the other kids, and yes, he needed some help, but he was moving his way across the wall. And he was working so hard with his left hand and was able to grab some of the regular holds. It was really, really cool to see and I took some video:

Friday was Muffins with Mom at the school and I got to go to Music class with Jake. (It was also mustache day and I had a hard time taking either of them serious with their huge mustaches.) They were learning some Greek dances which would have been a bit tough for him right now with the footwork, so his music teacher had him tap the big base drums to the beat of the music. It gave him the opportunity to participate with the class and he was able to play the drums. His teacher also gave him some great suggestions on clapping techniques that would incorporate his left hand.

The third thing happened today while we were at my parents house. I was going over some stuff with my mom when Jake comes in and says "I was just jumping on the trampoline." I couldn't believe it! I'd been wondering when he was going to be able to jump again since it's something he and Luke love to do together at their house. I went outside with them so he could show me, and he was having so much fun, smiling and laughing. It was great to see. They even got in a few rounds of crack the egg (a trampoline game they used to play all the time). And the best part of it was, when he fell it was no big deal, that's what happens on a trampoline. I got some video of that as well: :-)

My post tonight would not be complete without talking about the fundraiser yesterday.
Mackenzie and Abbie (left and center) were in Jake's class last year and the two of them along with Mackenzie's sister Taylor (right) have been making and selling rubberband bracelets for over a month to raise money for Jake. I was so happy we were able to go hang out with them for a little while during their sale yesterday. They really are amazing girls. The time and money they (and their parents) have invested to do this for Jake is really remarkable. Thank you to everyone who came to support their efforts for him. In the past month, they have raised just over $600 which is pretty incredible. Words can't express our gratitude for what they've done and how impressed we are with their compassion. Just another reminder of how blessed we are to live in this community with such caring and supportive people.

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