Thursday, September 19, 2013

Pluggin' Away

Geesh, it's been a busy week! It's been one of those weeks were it seems like we've had extra stuff on our schedule every day. Jake is holding up pretty well but I am exhausted!

Jake and I went back down to Children's on Tuesday for his one month post discharge appointment with his rehab doctor. We were so surprised to walk into the waiting area and see one of the friend's Jake made while in the hospital and another family we met during our stay. They were both there for out patient therapy and we were bummed we didn't get a chance to visit since the doctor was running on time. (Can't complain about that though!) The doctor said Jake is doing really well and progressing as he should. It's hard for us to see the progress since we've passed that point where he makes huge gains from one day to the next like when he was in the hospital. Big difference is, then his therapies were twice a day and that was all he had to concentrate on. Now he's part of daily family life, going to school, having homework, socializing, and just "living," so he recovery is not as concentrated in one area.

When I look back though at where he was a month ago, I can see the progress. He's so much more stable when he's walking and can go further distances without the wheelchair. His stamina is also improving and I'm noticing he doesn't come home from school completely wiped out. He is getting himself dressed faster and starting to do little things like carry his plate to the sink after he eats. He is also starting to drum a little again and Todd is really working with him to use his left hand and in the proper position. Jake really wants to take drum lessons again so we're doing what we can to help him achieve that goal. My favorite noticeable progress is the expression he has gotten back in his face. For a long time he didn't have much movement on the left side of his face and when he smiled, only the right side turned up. Now, he has his cute full smile back which helps get me through the day.


  1. So glad, keep the progress coming...


    Keep up the hard work.

    I am so proud of Everyone(Dana and Todd and Jake and Luke!!)
    It has been such a hard road for all of you, but keep trudging on!
    I love all of you!
