Monday, September 23, 2013

A Good Weekend

Jake's stamina is definitely improving. We had a fairly busy three-day weekend and he was a trooper. On Friday, there was a case review on Jake at Parker Adventist Hospital with the Paramedics, EMT's and hospital staff that worked on Jake. We were invited to come in at the end so they could see Jake. Because of the rarity of Jake's case, they opened it up to other staff for continuing education credits, so we walked into a room full of about 30 people. Jake was asked to come up to the front of the room and each person who was involved in his care came up, introduced themselves and shook his hand or gave him a hug. We were so proud of how he handled himself. This is a picture with Dr. Markey, the neurosurgeon who discovered the aneurysm and bleed, then put in a bolt (basically drilled a hole in Jake's head) to relieve the brain pressure. He was so nice and personable and Jake's been retelling a few of his funny comments all weekend. His favorite was "What, you don't remember me?" They also gave him a firetruck they had all signed. We were reminded again how lucky we are that Jake is where he is today and greatly appreciated the opportunity to thank everyone in person.

The boys had another football game with the Warriors on Saturday. The team is doing such an amazing job of including both of the boys. Luke was asked to be the kickoff tee retriever and seemed to really enjoy it, but was completely wiped out since the team scored over 40 points. Jake stood for part of the game right with the players on the sidelines and they really made him feel a part of things. The boys got a nice surprise at the end of the game when the players took off their pads and all had on "Team Jake" and "Team Luke" t-shirts they had made the night before.
After we got home, Jake spent most of the afternoon outside. He and Todd played some frisbee, then Jake hung out with the neighbor kids. While he can't quite keep up and play all the things they do, he was able to walk around with them and participate and just hang out. It was so nice to see him so happy and having fun. 

On Sunday we had a family birthday party with Todd's family to celebrate his mom's and Luke's birthday. Both boys were happy to see their cousins and hang out for the afternoon. 

All in all a very good weekend!


  1. This is excellent improvement. :)

  2. oh and don't forget.......Jake loved picking on Aunt Tami.
