Sunday, June 5, 2016

Surgery, Bike Rides and Camp

There is nothing quite like having to tell your son he needs to have foot surgery, that was an emotionally draining conversation. We decided not to get into too many details at this point and presented the big picture, then let him ask questions. Just knowing he is having surgery this summer and will have issues walking for awhile post surgery was enough to digest. Just knowing what he did and that he'll be losing almost a month of summer left him pretty upset. It was really important to us to let him feel he had a say in this and make decisions as appropriate. He decided not to do his intensive PT in June that we had planned since we'll be doing so much therapy post surgery. We also talked with his rehab doctor on Thursday and opted not to get botox in his leg this time. He would only have the benefit of it for a month before surgery, so why put him through the shots. We really hate to have his surgery in the summer, but the alternative of waiting until August would present so many more challenges and require him to miss the first couple weeks of school. 

On a much lighter and happier note, we did our first "official" bike ride today!  It was Elephant Rock in Castle Rock will several different rides to choose from all the way up to 100 miles, we choose the 8 mile family ride. After a slightly bumpy start with a flat tire that had to be repaired not once, but twice, we had a great time! It was such a beautiful day with the route going along this really nice path. We got to ride with Adaptive Adventures which was also cool, they had about 11 people participating today. The boys did great, but Jake was pretty wiped out by the time we were done. 

Jake heads off to camp at Roundup River Ranch on Wednesday. He's getting pretty excited and we've been talking a lot about all the great stuff he'll get to do. I think it's going to be such a good experience for him. It will be a long six days here wondering how things are going but I'm sure Luke will keep me busy.

1 comment:

  1. I'm so glad the bike ride was a success! We'll say a prayer that the surgery, while tough at the beginning, has long-term effects that make it well worth it!
