Sunday, August 16, 2015

7th Grade and Indoor Skydiving

Jake is now officially a 7th grader, so hard to believe. The start of school was far less stressful than last year, which was a very welcome change. Being in his second year of middle school, he knows the ropes plus he has made such remarkable process in the past two years.

Todd and I were talking the other night about his start of school in 5th grade which was only a week after he got out of the hospital. His teacher met us at the school on a Saturday so we could figure out the best way for him to navigate around. He needed to use the bike to get from the front of the school to his classroom, could barely get his chair pulled out by himself and needed a great deal of support just to get from one place to another. Initially, he was only able to attend school for two hours a day and even that wiped him out. In retrospect, we probably sent him back to school too soon, but he really wanted to go since it represented getting back to real life. It was probably too much physically, but I think it was good for his mental well-being.  At the time, we were taking things day by day and making the best decisions we could.

 We did manage to sneak in one last bit of summer fun before the boys started back to school and took them indoor skydiving. It was something they’ve been wanting to do, so we made it a reward for reading 1000 minutes this summer. I think they were both excited and nervous at the same time. Being the last to go in their group increased the anxiety. They each got to do two one-minute flights. Luke was a natural and it was so cool to see how well Jake did keeping his left arm out straight (You’re supposed to get in a superman position to “fly”). The only downside is, they are now hooked and want to go skydiving for real. Luckily they aren’t old enough so we can put that off for a few years. :-) 

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