Sunday, December 28, 2014

Christmas Break

I am really enjoying having the boys home during break. Yes, the house is a bit messier and things are a bit louder and more chaotic, but this is the first break in a long time where Jake hasn't had a ton of appointments. We did a five day PT session over fall break (in addition to all of his normal appointments) and last summer was simply nuts with everything we crammed in. He's only had a couple things scheduled this week and it's given us time for movies, driving around to see the lights, lots of board games and good quality family time. It has been great to see Jake having fun and laughing. We really haven't done anything all that extraordinary, but his favorite thing is to play games as a family and we've done a lot of that. We are lucky that both sides of our family live pretty close, so we've been able to spend time with everyone over Christmas.

Jake's anxiety seems to be a little bit better too. He still mentions various aches and pains, but it's less often and he is getting to sleep a little bit faster. With as much as things have been worrying him, we decided it was finally time to take him to a psychologist. We were really pleased to find out that the one he saw in the hospital is now seeing kids on an out-patient basis as well. When we saw her last week she was amazed at how well he is doing and that he did such a good job articulating what has been going on. She also mentioned it's very common for anxiety to kick in about a year and a half out and especially because of his age. We don't think he is going to have to see her for very long, but I'm just glad he remembered her and was comfortable enough to open up. With all he has been through, it's probably long overdo getting him some emotional/mental help too.

Wishing everyone a Very Happy New Year and wonderful 2015! We are very excited to see what it brings for our family.

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