Sunday, October 5, 2014

Luke's Birthday

We had the joy of celebrating Luke's 10th birthday today. It's hard to believe that both our boys are now in double digits, time is going by way too fast! I really love seeing the bond those two share. While their relationship has changed, in some ways they are closer than they were before. When Jake first got home from the hospital, their roles shifted. Due to everything going on with Jake, Luke stepped into the role of big brother, it's just the way things were. He wasn't always happy about it, but he dealt with it the best he could. I've been seeing a shift happening again. Luke is starting to treat Jake like he did before - being competitive, "messing" with him, and truly wanting to hang out with his brother.

Today was a perfect example. Todd had been offered two tickets to the Bronco game today, so he took Luke for his birthday and some good quality one-on-one time. Jake is often bummed when Luke isn't around and genuinely misses him which happened again today. Todd mentioned Luke seemed a little down at the game and when he finally got Luke to tell him what was wrong, he was missing Jake. The last time we went to a game, it was all four of us and I think he was wishing Jake could be there too. Don't get me wrong, they have their moments, but overall, they are both each others first choice of someone to hang out with.

Tonight after dinner, Jake asked if we could play charades. It was so fun to watch the two of them together. Whether laughing at my poor acting skills or acting things out together, they were both having such a good time. It made me want to freeze time, they are growing up much too fast.

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