Sunday, August 10, 2014

Looking back

It's hard to believe that in four days, it will have been a year since Jake came home from the hospital. The start of the school year was so different last year. Luke was having a really hard time getting ready for the first day of school. The normal excitement of picking out school supplies, getting new shoes, finding out who was in his class was overshadowed by the fact Jake was still in the hospital...Luke was doing it all by himself. It was so strange taking first day of school pictures with just one of the boys. Jake was also having a tough time knowing he was missing the first day with his brother and all of his friends.

The school psychologist had suggested we make a video for his classmates since many of them were expecting to see Jake back in the classroom on the first day of school. I watch that video now it takes me right back to those last few days in the hospital. He was still so fidgety and his voice was softer and more monotone. I don't think I ever shared that video on his blog, here is it.
He had been working so incredibly hard and wanted to come home and go to school so badly.

Contrast that to this year...Luke will once again be getting ready for the first day of school tomorrow by himself. But now it's because they have different start dates, Jake's middle school doesn't start until next Monday. I think they both have a little bit of apprehension about not being in the same school anymore. It was not uncommon last year for one of them to stop by the other's classroom to say hi. I'll be curious to see how this newest change affects both of them...

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