Monday, August 18, 2014

Day One of Middle School - Done!

Wanted to give a quick update on Jake's first day of middle school. From what I could get out of him, it went pretty well. Like many young boys, he answered most of my questions with one word answers which makes me crazy, but makes him very normal. :-)
He had a staff member meet him at the bus this morning to navigate the chaos but got to his core classes on his own and pretty close to on time. I don't think they even count tardies this week with all the kids figuring out where they are going. He was really happy he got his locker open on the second try this morning. He did have some trouble with it at lunch but got help from one of the staff floating the halls anticipating locker issues.

He was pretty tired tonight which we expected, but still in good spirits. We still have a few kinks to work out with supplies and logistics, but all in all I'd have to mark today up as a success. I am really happy to have the first day past us and am looking forward to a much needed night of sleep. :-)

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