Sunday, February 2, 2014

Botox - Round 2

For those of us Bronco fans, tough game to watch...very disappointing way to end the season. However, we got to spend the game with family, share the excitement of the home team being in the Super Bowl and ate some good food. At the end of the day, that is what's important. Not minimizing the difficult loss, we just have a different perspective now. Who I really feel for is the players....I personally would hate to have one of my less than stellar moments (which I've had many!) visible in front of millions of people, then have to stand up and talk about it to reporters. No thanks. 

So back to Jake...his walking seems to have declined a little bit again. My personal theory is the botox has kicked in and he needs to relearn his gait with more relaxed leg muscles. He's been so used to walking with tight muscles the past month that he now needs some time to recalibrate. The good thing is, his PT and stretch therapist both said he was more flexible and not nearly as tight which is what we are working towards. His left foot is also far less "floppy" and isn't pointing down as much which is also really good. Now when he had his brace off, he can set it almost flat which is huge progress. We are very hopeful to see how things go the next couple of months with his therapy.

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