Sunday, December 15, 2013

Bronco Game

I had planned on getting Christmas presents wrapped this evening after the boys went to bed and somehow it's now almost 9 PM and I'm just starting the blog. Not sure where the last hour went...

The highlight of Jake's week was definitely going to the Bronco game on Thursday night. We won four tickets at our school bingo night a few months ago and the boys have been counting down the weeks until Dec 12th. Todd had taken Jake to a game when he was about 3 (he of course doesn't remember going), but Luke had never been, so we were all pretty excited.

It was chilly, but nothing like the cold spell we'd had earlier in the week which was a huge blessing. I'm not sure how long we would have lasted in 10 degree weather.

The boys had so much fun. Luke was a little freaked out by how steep the stadium was which saved us many trips to go buy snacks, he didn't want to move! I think their favorite part was yelling and screaming at the top of their lungs with everyone else when it was time to rally the defense. Unfortunately the broncos didn't win, but we had a really good time anyway. Todd and I had forgotten about the colorful commentary that tends to fly when they aren't playing well and the beer is flowing. :-)

We ended up leaving about 1/2 way through the third quarter. The boys were getting cold and tired and we could tell sitting in the cold that long was getting hard on Jake. He really stiffened up and was having a really hard time walking so Todd gave him a piggy back to the car. Luckily we got to part in the handicap lot right next the stadium.

On Friday, I took Jake to his first session of fascial stretch therapy. The muscles in his legs have been getting tighter and tighter over time hindering his walking and it was suggested we try it. Unlike regular stretching that attempts to isolate and stretch specific muscles, fascial stretch therapy targets fascia, the connective tissue found in, around, and between joints. It was explained to me that the stretching starts at the major joints and if those can be loosened, things will work their way down. I guess a lot of athletes use it to help avoid injury. What was really interesting was when we or one his PT's stretch him, he often winces, is clearly uncomfortable and really doesn't like it. The therapist worked on him for almost an hour and a half and he didn't complain of it hurting at all. I was really surprised when doing his stretches tonight how much more motion he had in his left leg. I'm hopeful that it will continue to help.

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