Sunday, November 24, 2013

Happy Thanksgiving

Last week was a really long week, one of the longest I've had in quite awhile. It wasn't that our schedule was any busier than normal, I just felt like I was having to fight for everything that Jake needs and it was exhausting. Services that are put in place to help him shouldn't be this hard to get. I still have several follow-up phone calls to make this week, but am hopeful with a slight attitude check on my part, I can make some better progress. By the way, if anyone happens to know of a swim therapist in the Denver metro area, would love the referral!

Jake did get a special treat this week. Monday night, Rush had a one night only "movie" of their concert. They had filmed a few concerts this summer and it was released at theaters across the country as a special event. Todd took both boys even though it didn't start until 7pm on a school night. They really enjoyed it and Todd caught Jake playing air drums along to many of the songs which we haven't seen him do much of lately. It wasn't the same as going to the concert, but it gave them a taste of what a concert is like.

We are all really looking forward to a short work/school week and spending time with family over Thanksgiving. We have so much to be thankful for this year and I need to take time to remember that when I start getting frustrated with all the red tape and bureaucracy.

I hope you all have a wonderful Thanksgiving!

1 comment:

  1. Hang in there, Dana! You all amaze me with your endurance in this "race". Let me know if I can do any heavy-lifting. ;)
