Sunday, September 21, 2014

Challenge Air

Jake and Luke got the opportunity to take a flight in a small plane again this weekend. Jake was pretty nervous since he got queasy last time and wasn't really sure he wanted to do it. I think the fact that Todd was going with them this time helped ease his nervousness a little.

Jake was supposed to sit upfront as co-pilot but offered it to Luke since he sat upfront last time when they did the flight for scouts. Luke was pretty excited and even got to fly the plane. The airport was only about 20 minutes away and their flight took them in a big loop over Aurora Reservoir and our house which was pretty cool. They all had a really good time and were grinning ear to ear when they landed.

Lately I've been struggling with my mixed emotions and feelings over the many incredible opportunities Jake has been given simply because he had a stroke. While I fully acknowledge that his life has been full of many new challenges and limitations since his aneurysm burst, it feels odd accepting things because of it. Part of what makes it hard is I know there are so many kids who would love to go on the field of a Rockies game or take a flight in a small plane that never get the chance. While we are extremely grateful, it's a strange thing to come to terms with. I guess I just need to view it as a blessing he gets some special opportunities to help offset many of his day-to-day struggles.

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