Sunday, March 2, 2014

Week 2 of the Cast

Jake survived his first week of casting and actually did pretty well. He was even able to have his horse therapy last Monday while wearing the cast. He got a new cast on Friday, this time in red. His PT measured the range of motion in his ankle and it had definitely increased from last week. She told me the numbers, but I didn't write it down, so I can't remember what she said. I'm hopeless anymore if I don't write things down. :-) I'll be sure to take notes this week.

Unfortunately, he's having a much harder time getting around with his new cast. I think the increased stretch combined with a thicker, heavier cast is the cause. He's still able to walk, but it's what we call his wedding march walk. Left foot forward, bring the right one up to match it. It's tough to watch because it seems so labored, but we're just glad he can still get around independently. We're still very hopeful this will help him in the long run, so we'll just be sure to limit outings that require more walking this week.

Jake got another PA (post-aneurysm) first this weekend and had a friend come spend the night. The boys have some really good friends who are brothers and the same age as our boys. Luke was over at their house for a birthday party sleepover so Jake had the older brother come to our house. Missing out on some of these normal kid things has been really tough on Jake. Up until this past month, he was pretty wiped by 8 pm (which isn't too conducive to sleepovers) and going to someone else's house has not really been an option with the extra assistance Jake needs with his leg brace. He was so excited to have his friend over and they had a good time. I have to be honest, I was much happier to have those two here vs. the five nine year-olds at the other house. It was MUCH quieter! 

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