Sunday, December 12, 2021

Another Foot Surgery

We are asking for prayers and good thoughts for Jake tomorrow morning as he undergoes a second foot surgery. He's been having issues off and on the past couple of years and his discomfort walking has gotten to the point he is willing to have another surgery with hopeful, but no guaranteed outcomes. The muscle tone and tightness in foot is very unpredictable which make surgical outcomes a little more uncertain. He came to the decision at the end of the summer after meeting with his Orthopedic Surgeon, but decided to wait to have to have it done during winter break from school since he's already off for five weeks.

According to the pre-surgery notes, he is having:
Radical Plantar Medial Release
Tendon Lengthening
Achilles Lengthening – Triple Cut
Anterior Tibial Tendon Transfer
Midfoot Osteotomy
These are essentially 4 different procedures to lengthen and move some of the tendons in his foot. The necessity of the last one will be determined once he's in surgery and is a bone fusion to some of the bones on the top of his foot. He'll be in a cast for the next 6- weeks and non-weight bearing for 3 of those.